The Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana) Painting Healing
"Sexuality, Sensuality, fertility, creative life energy."
“The sacral chakra is the gateway to a more intense love of life, creative energy, enjoyment, and sensuality."
Welcome to the Sacral Chakra Painting. You will discover what Sacral Chakra is all about. The purpose of the above and below Sacral Chakra Painting. Also, I will connect you with Donna Eden where she will show you four powerful practical ways to bring energy medicine into your everyday life. Sacral Chakra is our center of sensuality and sexuality. The Sanskrit word svadhisthana means “sweetness” or “loveliness.” It can also be translated as “one’s home base.” This is also called the sexual chakra or simply the second chakra. This chakra expresses its close association with the feminine aspect. Through the activation of this chakra, we can come into contact with the feminine energy of our nature and be more open to the wisdom that resides in our unconscious mind. Sacral Chakra is the center of human sexual and feminine energy. This chakra is connected to sexuality, creative energy, sensuality, and joy in living. By activating the Sacral Chakra, we come into contact with the wellsprings of our passion for living. The free low of this energy throughout the chakra sharpens all of our senses and increases pleasure we take in life. The creative energy we have and sensuous appreciation that come from the connection with this chakra provide the foundations for new beginnings. The creative energy is the power of richness and fertility which expresses and symbolizes in the union of the sexes. Healthy Sacral Chakra makes it possible to say yes to ones sexuality and sensuality. Also, to fully accept one’s body and physical being. This is of great importance for erotic fulfillment and a true enriching partnership with another person.
“A natural, uninhibited sexuality and a caring acceptance of one’s own body come from a strong sacral chakra."
Balance Sacral Chakra
Those who have a balanced Sacral Chakra display great vitality and arise what is best expressed by the French “joie de vivre.” This means the enjoyment of life. The power of this enjoyment leads to increased self-esteem and a positive self-awareness. Through their enthusiasm and enjoyment such people can have a profound effect on those around them. According to conventional standards even someone who is not considered physically attractive can generate strong interest on the part of the opposite sex.
Unbalanced Sacral Chakra
Excessive or less energy in the Sacral Chakra can lead to extreme problems. Some of the symptoms we can spot are the following: jealousy, constant anxiety, and lack of sexual desire. Other possible symptoms are sexual hesitancy, addiction, feelings of guilt, and aggression.
Healing Sacral Chakra
When the Sacral Chakra is healed, balanced and harmonized we can learn to enjoy life and develop a healthy relationship to the sensual and sexual sides of our nature. Western psychology has made it clear that healing Sacral Chakra is essential for a balanced, healthy emotional lifestyle.
❤️If you would like to know how to balance your Sacral Chakra with a legendary practitioner, please follow Donna Eden. She will guide you of how to bring energy medicine into your everyday life.
"A strong sacral chakra is the best preparation for a well-balanced emotional life."
❤️If you would like to have the below Sacral Chakra Painting on your wall as a reminder of "Sexuality, Sensuality, fertility, creative life energy." Please visit: